
Ode to Pfosemei

High up on the hill of Naga
Stands majestically a princely village
Where warriors' sons and daughters born
To fight, to rule, to lead, to protect and to love

Every being that lives know thy bravery
When the games of headhunting and war on
Thou art the sky and the earth to protect and give life
Amour with bravery, courage and heroism

Thou never feared of defeat or death
For our better today, thou gave thy lives
We honour Thee, thou make us to be
Proud above the pride of Chunghosii tree

The endemic warrior games and fests
Servitude, democracy, oneness, bravery, cooperation
Charity, art thy wealth and uniqueness
The mighty name shines in the sun

Crown with respect, honour and power
Even God and Evil adorn and revere thee
Honesty and bravery, never tire of trying to be
And that’s thee and thou art that

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