
Welcome to the Next Three Years of Your Moneymoon Life

Good afternoon honorable Chief Guest.... Principal of St Joseph’s College, lecturers, inviting guests  and Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am proud to remind you, that the most vibrant Deptt i.e. unified under a single umbrella is “The Dept of Sociology.” And, it is in tune with our motto; “To Excel and To Serve.” The deptt deems it a great pride in welcoming aspiring students into the school of Learning and Development. Here, we, the fledgling sociologists, are challenged by opportunities and are given a vibrant exposure in the specific field of study.

At the very outset, I on behalf of the Dept. would like to welcome you, dear freshers, into the Dept. of Sociology and also congratulate each one of you for having successfully completed your Last Exam.

Life is full of experiences, which makes a person happy or miserable. Dear friends, we welcome you with a joyous heart to a whole host of different experiences; if you feel like reinventing yourself at this Deptt, go ahead!

I would like to emphasize that the Deptt should be a second home for all. We are the Deptt, and we are keen to make you feel at home right form the outset. The several hundreds of students, who step into this Deptt, learn to stand joyfully amidst the ups and downs of life by making new healthy friends

At this time, once again I request all of you especially the Freshers, to be very active and cooperative towards the Deptt. And another important thing is that, be regular in the programmes and its various activities. This is one institution where we really grow as persons.
 The Dept has grown over the years and is still in the growing stage. As such, the Deptt is at times faced with some problems and other complications. Hence your kind cooperation and active participation are very much sought out and needed. Sometimes, we come across some people pointing fingers to the Deptt with little knowledge of what the ground realities are. It is my earnest request to you today to come forward any time and give your valuable suggestions and opinions and be a part of the change for good. We are always open to criticisms that are constructive and not destructive.

I personally would like to welcome you again, dear friends. As you begin your stay here, I wish you all the good luck and in your endeavors. It is my prayer that you finish your stay achieving the purpose of your coming here. On behalf of the Deptt, I would like to assure you all possible help, support and assistance. I am also very confident that your fellow seniors will be paving your way with good examples and guidance. Let us all cooperate and unite for greater heights “To Excel and to Serve” as our motto suggests, and build a greater union. No one of us will be staying here forever, we all will leave for good someday or the other. So, while we are still here, let us make our stay a memorable one. Let us all walk and work together in such a way that when we leave the hallowed portals at the end of our study, we can look back and say, we gave our best to this institution.

Young Sociologists let us arise and shine